Friday, April 16, 2010

What Happens After You Create Your Own Myspace Layout?

Once you create your own myspace layout, then what? Well, sit back and admire your handiwork of course. And tell your friends to check out your hot new myspace layout. But in order for any of this to be possible, you have to know how to add a layout to your myspace profile once you've made your own myspace layout.

First figure out if you have a 1.0 profile or a 2.0 profile. If when you edit your profile, you see lots of fields to fill in, starting with "About Me", then you have a 1.0 myspace profile. All you need to do is follow the steps using the easy myspace layout generator and get the code for your layout. Copy and paste that code into this "About Me" section. You can still write text that is about you, just make sure that you leave all of that code intact.

If you have a 2.0 myspace profile, there are a few more steps involved. After you create your own myspace layout, copy the code that the myspace layout generator gives you. Then sign into myspace, and click "Customize Profile". On the upper left side you'll see a button that says "Edit CSS". You don't even need to know what CSS is to do this. Just click that button and paste your code from the myspace background generator into the field.

Now you know just how to create your own myspace layout and install it!